Thursday, August 2, 2018

PE and English games

This week in PE and English, we learnt about Kabaddhi and Lacrosse. On Wednesday we played Kabaddhi for the first time after we talked about how to play, and adapted some of the rules. In Kabaddhi, there are two teams on each side of the court. Each team alternates from being Raiders and defenders. The raiders run over to the other side, trying to tag people, and then get back over to their side. But on the way back, the defenders can tackle the Raider so they don't get over and get points. Usually they have one breath to get over and back but we played with a time limit. We also made it so we could only grab and hold the raider instead of tackling them.
Lacrosse was also full contact, but we took that part out. Lacrosse is a game where there are also two teams. Each player has a Lacrosse stick (a stick with a net on the end, for carrying and scooping up.) The aim of the game is to get the ball into the goal, but people can try and attack your stick with theirs to knock the ball out.
Originally, Kabaddi comes from India and Lacrosse is from America. Kabaddi took awhile to get used too because there are so many rules. I enjoyed both games and would play them again.

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